Liam's Website


Welcome to my personal archive!

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Hi, my name is Liam :-)

I’m a Columbia SIPA-QMSS double Master’s graduate and Fulbright Scholar with deep interests in data science and quantitative applications to economic policy, international trade and financial markets. Half Aussie, half Singaporean, food, travel and nature lover. Always curious. Currently working as a quantitative research associate at M Science.


Data science and visualization

  1. imfpy - an intuitive API client for the IMF - python package
  2. Understanding COVID-19 misinformation - NLP resources, Tableau visualizations
  3. Understanding far-right networks using Wikipedia data - paper
  4. Flood classification using satellite data - presentation

Applied econometrics

  1. New measurements of inequalities in public transit accessibility - Shiny app
  2. Time series analysis of Australian inward FDI - paper
  3. Empirical analysis of municipal broadband restrictions - policy memo

Political economy

  1. Congressional FTA voting and import competition - policy brief
  2. Analyzing partisanship in America through language - Shiny app
  3. Private sector participation in Europe's pivot away from Russian gas - report

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